How it works

YungMash is obviously at the centre of the Foundation. YungMum, Mash’s soulmate and mum, is our CEO running the ship. Our neurocoaching experts are known as the YungMasters, who all have certificates in scientifically-supported neurocoaching techniques. They train the YungMentors, who are a group of YungMash’s closest friends between the ages of 18-25. The YungMentors are given the neurocoaching tools to lead the group mentoring sessions with you: the YungMentees.

So how do you become a YungMentee? Firstly, feel free to shoot us a DM, Tweet or email if you want to know more about us. If you want to sign up for our free neurocoach mentoring, fill out the form and we’ll get back to you with some official stuff including an intake form and confidentiality clause.

Aya with her Mentor certificate

YungMash Collective has been accredited by Mark R. Waldman, world’s leading neuroscience researcher. Mentees have a chance of getting certified in Peer-to-Peer Compassionate Communication and Neurocoaching Principles. We already have two certified YungMentors - Aya (pictured above) and Cam.

We meet every Wednesday, 1945 UK time for an hour-long online session. This is what a typical set of meetings look like.

  • Core concepts from YungMasters 

  • Mindfulness 

  • Brain networks 

  • Emotions 

  • Dealing with grief 

  • Compassionate communication 

  • Stress management tools 

  • Non-verbal communication

  • Pain management 

  • Who am I and who am I not? 

  • Consciousness and awareness 

  • Summary and final q&a

In this episode of YungMash Radio podcast, YungMentor Cameron talks to our resident expert, Sydney-based clinical psychologist Michael Kirton, about the most effective psychological concepts and techniques that will help you lead a better life.

Self-awareness is central to elevating one’s conscience: you yourself are your own best therapist. We live in a society that doesn’t readily recognise trauma, and we should be better equipped to do so. Our own memories, according to neuroscientists, are overvalued, as your brain always distorts them. Intuition, meanwhile, plays a significant role in your personal self-regulation - you just need to learn what to do about it.

Rewiring your brain, and retraining it so it operates more often in the salience rather than the default network of your brain is a lifelong task.